Profile Marilena Patronicolas* first started porcelain painting as a hobby in 1976. At that time, she had already been practicing enamel painting on copper for the previous 10 years.. Her professional debut in porcelain painting coincided with the opening, in 1993, of her first workshop – showroom, "M.P. Porcelain", in Thission, downtown Athens. Since then, she hasn't stopped educating herself on porcelain painting by participating in various seminars abroad (France, Switzerland, Italy, USA), and by frequently visiting porcelain workshops and factories in order to keep up with the new trends in the domain. In 1998, encouraged by several customers and loyal friends, Marilena Patronicolas established the first school of porcelain painting in Greece. Porcelain painting has become the favorite hobby of the already more than 200 graduates / alumni of the school. For some of them, porcelain painting has also become their main occupation. *IPAT member (International Porcelain Artists & Teachers, Inc.)