
After having completed the basic course cycle, students can also further their knowledge on porcelain painting by participating in various seminars on modern techniques and materials from all over the world.

The seminars include 4 to 6 3-hour morning courses. Minimum participation is 3 persons. The seminar cost is 50 Euros per seminar/day and does not include materials and firing.

Indicative seminar subjects:

  • American Look
  • Birds
  • Butterflies
  • Lustres
  • Reliefs, Glassand, Mat Colours, Metallic Colours
  • Glass Painting Seminars
  • Marble, malachite, lapis lazuli, wood etc. look alike

Several of the most important porcelain artists in the world have already lectured in seminars at our porcelain painting school:

  • Antoinette Schaerrer-Topalidis
  • Efi Mpegnis

For each seminar, special participating conditions apply, announced in advance